
Brief Interviews with Pleasant Men and Women


Saïd Sayrafiezadeh is a thief. Also known as a writer.

Paul La Farge on the subject of his “immersive text.” It’s like a choose your own adventure! But, not.

David Goodwillie and Christopher Bollen both came to New York in their early twenties to write. Neither of them got around to it until their thirties, but eventually, they wrote these novels. And talked to me about them.

John Wray on Lowboy, new stuff and New York City.

Purple America scares Fiona Maazel, too.

Adam Wilson and his debut novel.

Christine pushes James Hannaham into a river and asks him what it feels like to drown.

Christine mediates–Matt Dojny v. Hieronymus Bosch.

And the Furst shall be last: Joshua Furst on the learning, teaching and doing.

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